Commercial Window Tinting Experts throughout Auckland

Large expanses of glass in our workplaces are becoming more popular as designers create a greater harmony between inside and outside spaces.

This can lead to greater heat, blinding glare, damaging ultra-violet rays and privacy issues. That can all be fixed by installing one of Bayview Window Tinting’s range of solar films. These incredible premium UV films block out everything except your view, preventing up to 82%* of solar heat from entering your home or workplace through the glass.

Improve your building’s energy efficiency to help reduce your heating and cooling bills. Our UV films also cut glare by up to 93%* reducing fading. They also block a remarkable 99% of harmful UV rays.

Commercial window UV Protection films reduce the sun’s irritating glare and help to eliminate “hot spots” that exist on a building’s surface due to sun exposure, helping improve employee productivity and tenants satisfaction. Anyone who works near windows will be exposed to less UV radiation, which is the principal cause of skin cancer. Uncomfortable “hot spots” are eliminated or reduced to nil.

So if you have already made your mind to renovate the exteriors and to a give a pleasing look to your building, try us and discover the many benefits of today’s advanced commercial window tinting.